Our team

founding team

The HYNAERO founders’ team is united around the need to respond to the challenges posed by forest fires and their impact on the environment and climate.

The personal backgrounds and professional experiences of the four founding partners are complementary and mutually enriching to guarantee a comprehensive understanding of the issues and challenges to be met to ensure the success of the launch of the Fregate-F100.

aerial firefighter aircraft from France| Hynaero innovative firefighting seaplane manufacturer


Christophe brings his diverse background of more than 30 years in the fields of aeronautical maintenance, program development and more particularly sales and marketing for which he is the director at Hynaero. He brings his vast network of cooperation with counterparts in the aeronautics industry and the use of aerial capacities.

Sales & Marketing directorChristophe LaurentAircraft sales & Maintenance/Customer Support


Cédric Savineau | Hynaero Hydravion de Nouvelle Aquitaine
Technical & Industrial DirectorCédric SavineauProgram & Industrialization

Cédric has a proven experience in the world of the automotive and aeronautics industries. His international experience and career path have led him to hold positions of high responsibility in the field of product development and industrial operations. He is the technical and industrial director of the Fregate-F100 program.


Philippe has been responsible for major armaments programs, followed by roles of high financial responsibility within the Ministry of the Armed Forces. He then pursued a civilian career in the field of logistics and maritime transport where he managed international relations of regional subsidiaries. He is the financial director and COO of Hynaero.

Philippe Danieau | Hynaero Hydravion de Nouvelle Aquitaine
COO & CFOPhilippe DanieauProgram & Finances


David PINCETPhilippe Danieau | Hynaero Hydravion de Nouvelle Aquitaine
President & Public AffairsDavid PincetOperations & Institutional Relations

David had a comprehensive career in management positions in the Air Force, Joint staff and in international institutions. In 2021, he joined the Ministry of Interior and has been director of the aerial capabilities to fight forest fires of French Civil Security. He brings his institutional network, his knowledge of the political world and territorial institutions. In addition to being Hynaero’s President, he is in charge of public affairs and institutional relations as well as cooperation with AFF operators to define operator’s operational and technical requirements.